Your education is important, specifically if it's in one of the fields they happen to be looking for. Yes the military does help, and you also get veterans points. If you had to pick an absolute best job in the military to get your foot in the door, it would probably be Air Force OSI/ Army CID/ Navy NCIS. In these jobs you are a federal special agent, and you attend your training at FLETC. However, you may or may not be able to directly go into those jobs (on the military side). That said, they hire civilian agents as well.
All that said, bear in mind, if you can't handle Officer Candidate School, you may well have trouble with military basic training, and FLETC and any police academy you may attend as many are paramilitary in nature.
Here is what the FBI is looking for right now: route would be best if I wanted a federal law enforcement/ intelligence job?
1. The military is not a good route into the CIA or FBI.
It is a route into CIA para military operations, if your a former member of spec ops.
But as a FBI agent or CIA agent.
Your education and educational level is more important.
Both the CIA and FBI career web pages tell you what they are looking for.
Reserves is only two days a month, what do you mean will you have time ?
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