Ok so i just posted a question that asked how many people think 9/11 was a inside job? And I got interesting responses such as: our government isn't smart enough to come up with something like that; that people who think it is are ignorant and have way to much time on their hands.
#1 how can u say our government isn't smart enough to come-up with something like that when they were doing drills in those exact situations that morning and that year? The FBI and the pentagon even came out saying they had practiced situation where those towers were targeted and they practiced where a plane would hit that exact spot on the pentagon. Then fire fighters have said it them selves that they heard bombs going off in the building.
#2 why did Julianni remove all evidence before it could be examined? Why is it the 9/11 commission report have come forward and said they weren't aloud near the evidence, and that it needs to be RE-investigated?
#3 It is everyones duty as American to ask questions! Way to much on their hands? Well? Lets see Look up Operation Northwoods. Read what it's about and then tell me, America would never try anything like that. The Hippies new about it but the Government denied it, then 40-60 years later they come out and admit it? We are inclined to research and look into these theories because if an admitted faulty report wont give the correct research, then someone has to!
Also one quick thing! Why is it on the FBI's most wanted list they do not list 9/11 as a reason for wanting Osama Binladin? Oh thats right because he's a Government Agent Which came out in Your dumb down American Corrupt Main Media Outlets!
We funded them!
We Trained them!Why is it people can't believe 9/11 was an inside job?
hahah BSHERman. read richard clarke's book ';Against All Enemies';.Why is it people can't believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Science and common sense actually explains away what most of the conspiracy theorists say can't be explained. Like, for example, the nonsense about the fires not being hot enough to melt the steel in the buildings. That's obvious nonsense because steel does not need to melt to fail structurally.
Lets see. There is you, of course the very good looking Rosie O, the great looking guy called Micheal Moore who likes to give us ';Fake u mentaries, and not one scientist or demolition expert.
Seems like the History Channel, Discovery Channel, and Popular Mechanic Magazine does not count as factual places for those who like this fake theory.
Take off your tinfoil hat and go night night.
Because its not true...
Are you serious....
Believing that is just as stupid as the IDIOTS (Fuhrer-In-Chief Obama, Black Panther Party, the adverage angry and uneducated black youth...ect) that White people created Crack and AIDS to kill them off.
Well I guess McDonald's will always need burger flippers.
Wel, probally because no one has ever offered an explanation on just how two 110 story building could have been rigged for demo, with none of the tenets noticing.
Heck it takes 40 people 6 months just to rig a 20 story building for demo, and they have to tear out all interior walls to do so.
But you expect people to believe two 110 story buildings were rigged for demo,
And no one noticed ?
2 why did Julianni remove all evidence before it could be examined?
Well, this is absolutely so untrue it's bordering on idiocy.
First of all, Giuliani had no authority at the site and people don't seem to realize how much NYC hated him before 9/11 and couldn't wait for him to be out of office. Fat chance he had of anyone listening to him.
The debris was removed to the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island where it was sorted and sifted and examined by PAPD and NYPD as well as engineers from various NY-area agencies. It's commonly stated as if it were fact that the steel was just shipped out to China without being looked at, but it's just not true.
Steel that was not affected/damaged and that was identified as not being from near the impact zones or an area that was a major factor of the collapse was sold for scrap to countries who aren't so particular about the quality of their steel. There was no reason to keep it.
As you probably know, there are still tons of WTC steel being held at a hangar at JFKIA.
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