I am kind of in a rut right now, because for years I have called myself a libertarian. I usually vote with the party although this year I voted for nader since barr was a joke.
But seriously, heres how I consider myself: socially anarchist, economically moderate
I believe governments only job is to protect its citizens but that it should have certain programs to help out people.
For example I am for the progressive fair tax, I am against corporate welfare, I don't support bailing out any company no matter what!, I am against affirmative action because I believe everyone should be treated equal, I am a supporter of the welfare system so that it creates incentives for people to get jobs, I also believe the public school systems main job should be to equipt people to find jobs, I am for abolishing the irs, fbi, cia, dea and all other unconstitutional offices in america!, am against censorship and gun control, and support ending both wars!!!
yet I am for legalizing pot (and every other drug), open boarders, keeping social security run by the government, and get this I am for government funded healthcare!
Personally, I think if we cut out all of the wasteful spending that goes on in washington we could pay for universal health care!Would you consider me liberal or libertarian?
legalizing drugs is a libertarian position often.
But your govt' run healthcare does not fit with the rest of your beliefs at all.
If you think the FBI, IRS, CIA, do a bad job, just wait until some fat government beurocrat with a greasy toupee has as their job to decide if you get surgery or the crack head in prison gets it.
Would you consider me liberal or libertarian?
you're more libertarian
Libertarian, bud.
You seem to be a left leaning libertarian. I am unsure about what you called ';The progressive fair tax';, I thought there was only one Fair Tax.
I'd say that you're more of a libertarian, but a left-libertarian (the Libertarian Party is right-libertarian), or somewhere on the fuzzy border between a left-libertarian and a social-democrat.
Did you support George Phillies or Mike Gravel for the Libertarian nomination? Obviously, you are more libertarian than Barr and considering the large number of libertarians that deviate from pure libertarianism on social issues, we need more libertarians whose only deviation is on a few economic issues.
I voted for Nader, although I did so out of my desire not to vote for McCain, Obama, or Barr, and to make sure my vote was counted against those 3 scumbags. I tend to be extreme-left on social issues (for example, I favor youth rights and defining marriage as between 2 or more persons) and am also equally libertarian on the economic issues. I am more concerned with the social issues than the economic issues, but I consider both to be interconnected.
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