Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is there any help available for victums of idenity theft that ca help the victums recover?


Scott %26amp; Jennifer Giordano

Helendale, CA. 92342


To Whom It May Concern:

If I may take a few minutes of your time I would like to share with you where and how my family arrived to our current situation with our lives, this includes our finances, and how we got to this point. On May of 2006 I left my previous 12 year job with County Fire Department for the following three reasons: (1) my position with County was being eliminated as of July 1st 2006. (2) Because I was losing my job with County I tried to be positive, aggressive, and proactive in finding a new job before I was let go. I Began testing in Colorado in October of 2005 and was doing very well. I continued testing for the next nine months truly believing I would be successful in getting a job in Colorado in particular with the Denver City Fire Department. I thankfully was very successful with my testing efforts and the job was pending on passing a final background. The Start/hire date was estimated to be around mid July giving us enough time to pack, move, and get established in our rental home before I started my new job. (3) My wife was pregnant with our second child and was put on mandatory bed rest by her doctor until further notice due to complications. This happened in the end of April and I resigned 8 days later with County to be with my wife and my two year old daughter.

It檚 about mid May of 2006; I am home packing the house to move, taking care of my wife and my daughter. I continued making trips to Colorado for final testing and to look for our new home and a rental. We as a family make a trip around the end of May and put money down on a new Pulte house in Broomfield Colorado as well as finding a rental to live in until our house is built. My parents came along with us because they are also selling their house and moving with us. Our current home in Helendale has not sold yet and the sellers market has dropped significantly from what it was one year ago. We decided that if it doesn檛 sale before we move that we could afford to put it up for rent and we would be able to make up the difference with the money I would be making on my new job.

By June we are recovering from the loss of the our baby but we are trying to stay focused on moving and are looking forward to this exciting new start with our lives in Colorado. Ten days after losing our baby we receive a letter from Denver City stating that I did not pass the final Background and was disqualified for employment. Very confused, I called to find out what happened and they said that they could not divulge any information but said that I could hire my own private investigator to find out what caused the problem. I follow their advice and hire an investigator and find out that we have been victims of identity theft for many years and the investigator stated that this would automatically disqualify me from any government/public service job. I was confused and angry without any idea what or how this had happened or how to fix this problem.

It is now July of 2006 I am now without a job unable to move and trying to figure out what to do for a job to support my family and how do I accomplish fixing this identity theft problem. I spend the next 8 months trying to fixing the identity theft problem spending over 10, 000.00 dollars of our money (not to mention the 75,000 per year in wages and benefits that were lost when I was denied employment) making hundreds of phone calls to agencies such as San Bernardino County Sheriff, FBI, FTC, IRS, Homeowner insurance company, Social Security, AIG, Creditors, Banks, and many others. I have filed two dozen reports to meet the needs of every agency requesting documentation, I have also spend 8 to 10 hours a day looking for work, working on solving our multiple problems, or working on small jobs like washing cars, yard work, small construction jobs etc. I have turned in over thirty (30) applications but I am unable to find work because my fifteen years of experience, diploma, and formal training are all based on the Fire Service. The catch 22 dilemma is I can檛 test for fire departments or other public service type jobs that I am trained and experienced in until the identity theft problem is solved or I would run into the same problem I had with Denver City. I continue to hear the same thing from every employer, why are you here and are you going to go back to the fire service? Once I explained the problem they seemed compassionate about my problem but were unable or unwilling to hire me. Over the months we get further and further behind financially. Our problems have now become a huge avalanche running at full speed and devouring everything in its path. Finally, after 8 months, hundreds of hours, applications, interviews and resumes I found a part time job. I started by mid January of 2007 and the job is teaching with a Community College. For now it is only part time but I am extremely happy to be working again. Even though I am working I continue looking for full time work in the fire service or anywhere else I can find.

In the past several years I have been injured in a head on car accident with a drunk driver, had sever health issues related to stress/anxiety that required me to make multiple emergency room trips, lost a child, lost my grandmother on Christmas day, lost a best friend to cancer, lost another friend to a car accident, lost both cars that we owned, my identity, a career, my dreams, ambitions, hope, peace of mind, joy and our home in a matter of days. We have had our power turned off as well as water and cable (not a big loss there) we have had to call on our family or friends several times to drive us to work due to lack of gas money. We have bought food at discount stores (like day old bread) to save any money possible. We have also sacrificed many personnel items like golf clubs, Thomas Kinkaid art collection, football card collection, collector coins passed down by family, and many other valuable items that we had to garage sale or sold on EBay to make money just so we could survive. Our credit has been severely damaged and our faith challenged. In addition to all of that I continue to suffer from several illnesses requiring medications and a lot of doctor visits. We experienced a corrupt real-estate transaction when we tried to refinance our home to get money to help us and instead we lost 32,000 dollars and gained absolutely nothing but more headaches and attorney fees. That problem is currently under investigation with the DRE. We also gave up our dream to move to Colorado, a new house, a great new job doing what I love, and having the ability to help my parents who are retired and on a fixed income and were also counting/depending on moving. My wife and I are hanging on by a thread and are tired, stressed, frustrated, deeply depressed, angry, and confused. We really don檛 want to lose the one thing we have left, our home.

I totally and completely understand that this is not anyone else檚 problem and that no one is responsible for helping us in any way, however, I hope that someone can find it in their hearts to help my family anyway possible. This is our problem and I take my commitment that I made to my family very serious and we continue to do all we can to make things right again. We really don檛 want to lose our house and would like to get back on track. I refuse to walk away without trying to do everything in my power first. I don檛 want a short sale or foreclosure, this does nothing for our mortgage company or my family to solve the problem and in the end we all lose. I am confident that there is an answer to all of these problems and that they can be solved. Again, I understand no one owes us anything and we very well may lose everything we have if that is Gods will, I just ask that if there is any way possible that anyone else may be aware of, please, help us help our selves so we can get back on our feet, please let me know. Please help us if you can in any way. Don檛 forget, we definitely can use and would be grateful for your prayers.

Please know and understand this; we have tried everything in our knowledge and power to fix the problem and we have asked for help from our family, friends, church and other sphere of influences. They have been great emotional support but most were unable to help other than that. I have written to Governor Arnold Schwartsanigger, Congress representatives Barbara Boxer and Jerry Lewis. I spoke with radio stations asking to share my story to educate others, and I might have the Wall Street Journal writing a story on our situation (waiting for confirmation). I have called or emailed hundreds of churches for prayers and help, called other family members out of state, friends and even complete strangers looking for help, ideas or any kind of work opportunities they may know of. I don檛 know if there are any true heroes left in this world but I am calling 911 to my fellow country members during this major life changing crisis and I hope someone is going to respond. Please understand that I am a father and I love my family very much and I don檛 want to see them in pain or in fear anymore, it just destroys me inside to see them suffer. I have tried everything I can to stop, save or change our situation to no avail. I wish I did not have to write this letter but it檚 all I have left. I know at some point this will end and we will be better, smarter, humbled, joyful, peaceful, and more grateful for our lives and for the lives of others around us. I believe and hope that I can someday use this experience to help others that are struggling or have felt all alone with nowhere to run.

As stated earlier in this letter I am now working and my wife starts working the first of April. We are confident that we can get back on our feet and are working hard to get our lives back on track. We are slowly getting there but it may be too late. Please understand that I have had to steal change from my two year old daughters little piggy bank just so I have gas to get to work. My sweet daughter told me that it is ok because she loves me. To give you an idea we have lost over 100,000 dollars this past year to year and half from these multiple problems, but we are not going to give up we are constantly praying and we are resilient, confident, humble and hard working and we are committed to make this unfortunate situation right again. We will try to do all we can to make this work and pray you can help us. I thank you so much for your time and consideration in regards to this matter.


The following documentation is on file and I would be more than glad to provide any information to verify this letter and to make any person(s) wanting to help feel confident that their help is going to a legitimist cause and need. I would also provide pictures if desired.

1. Police report #

2. FTC report #

3. Investigation report

4. Denver City denial letter

5. Lawyer letter hired to work on credit issues from identity theft

6. Letter from parents also explaining events

7. Letter from my wife giving her perspective of events

8. Records of financial support from our church

9. Witness of events letters from friends and family

10. Affidavit From Identity Theft 911 (Branch of homeowner insurance)

11. Letters of acknowledgement from credit bureaus from Identity theft alert

Please email if you have any questions, ideas, or comments. I would appreciate anything you feel you would like to share.

Thanks again for your consideration, time, and help


Scott Giordano


FamilyIs there any help available for victums of idenity theft that ca help the victums recover?
Wow, I can't believe the lives people are forced to live sometimes! That is just awful what has happened to you. The only thing I can offer you at this time is prayer and more specifically, the strength to continue to battle this situation and insight on how to further improve your life.Is there any help available for victums of idenity theft that ca help the victums recover?
You forgot to post your social security number and birthdate.

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